dna4_count_mismatches_rc(3) - count the number of mismatching bytes in revcomp

LIBDNA, 2022-03-10

#include <kloetzl/dna.h>

size_t dna4_count_mismatches_rc(const char *begin, const char *end, const char *other);


The dna4_count_mismatches_rev() function efficiently compares two dna strings across strands and returns the number of mismatching bytes. The first string is delimited by begin and end (exclusive). For the second string only the start must be supplied via other as it is assumed to be at least as long as the former.

The result is undefined if the input strings contain characters besides A, C, G and T. Lowercase letters are also not allowed. Null bytes are not interpreted as the end of a string.

Return Value

Returns the number of mismatches of two string on opposite strands.


const char seq1[] = "TAACCGCCCTTGGG";
const char seq2[] = "CCCAAGTGCGATTA";
size_t snps = dna4_count_mismatches_rc(seq1, seq1 + sizeof(seq1) - 1, seq2);

assert(snps == 2);

See Also

dnax_count_mismatches dna4_revcomp