dnax_find_first_mismatch(3) - find the first mismatching character

LIBDNA, 2020-06-03 "LIBDNA"

#include <kloetzl/dna.h>

char *dnax_find_first_mismatch(const char *begin, const char *end, char *other);


The dnax_find_first_mismatch() function compares two strings and returns the position of the first mismatching character. One input string is delimited by begin and end (exclusive). The other is simply given by its beginning other.

Return Value

The return value points to the mismatching character, or to end if no such character exists.


const char str1[] = "ACGGWaA";
const char str2[] = "ACGGWAAT";

const char *ptr = dnax_find_first_mismatch(str1, str1 + 7, str2);
assert(ptr - str1 == 5);
printf("common prefix: %.*s\n", (int)(ptr - str1), str1);

See Also

memcmp(3), strcmp(3)