dnax_pack_4bits(3) - encode DNA using four bits per nucleotide

LIBDNA, 2019-09-19

#include <kloetzl/dna.h>

size_t dnax_pack_4bits(const char *begin, const char *end, unsigned char *dest);


The dnax_pack_4bits() function packs a string of nucleotides into a sequence of bytes by representing each nucleotide with four bits. The input string is delimited by begin and end (exclusive). The result is stored at dest.

The encoding of nucleotides is compatible to the Nucleotide Archival Format. It can represent the common nucleotides, ambiguous bases, uracil (U) and gaps (-).

Return Value

The number of encoded characters is returned.


const char str[] = "ACGT-W";
unsigned char buffer[3] = {0};

size_t nibbles = dnax_pack_4bits(str, str + 6, buffer);
size_t bytes = (nibbles + 1) &gt;&gt; 1;

assert(bytes == 3);

See Also

dna4_pack_2bits(3), dna4_unpack_4bits(3), dnax_unpack_4bits(3)